OHT Secured Bank Financing of Alfa Lift
OHT announces that its wholly-owned ship owing company OHT Alfa Lift AS (“the Company”) has received and accepted a firm offer, subject to satisfactory documentation, for a USD 135,000,000 Senior Secured Green ECA Credit Facility (“the Facility”).
The Facility is for the post-delivery financing of the Company’s wind foundation installation vessel Alfa Lift. The Facility is to be drawn upon delivery of the mentioned vessel. The Facility has a five-year term and a 12-year repayment profile. DNB Bank ASA is Bookrunner and Coordinator, and together with Sparebank 1 SR-Bank ASA mandated lead arranger. Further, the Norwegian Export Credit Agencies GIEK and Eksportkreditt are supporting the facility, their tranche is estimated to USD 82,600,000.